January 17, 2012
Let me share some of the fun we’re having here at one of the best Louisiana fishing charters…
OK here we are 2012. WOW!! Hope every one had a wonderful Holiday and a great New Year. Down here in South Louisiana we don’t usually get a long winter. But this year it’s like no winter at all a few cold days here and there but for the most part its been really nice. With nice weather you get nice fish . I fished a couple days ago with a friend and caught some nice reds. Lafitte fishing is some of the best fishing in south Louisiana from the hard fighting red fish to the paper mouth speckled trout . we are catching fish and gearing up for the spring fishing . I’ve been booking trips so don’t miss out this year on the dates you want, give me a call and let go fishing. If this year is anything like last year we are gonna have a good time and I cant wait to see old friends and make some new ones.
If you’re looking for Louisiana fishing charters, you’ve come to the right place! “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME” with me Capt Jason Shilling and New Orleans Style Fishing Charters (504) 416-5896.
Monday I had the pleasure of fishing with some guys that work for FED EX in Tenn . It started off to be a rough morning when I woke with a stomach bug . Not being able to find anyone in such short notice I had to go or cancel . I dont like to cancel . I made the call and off to catch some fish we went. With the full moon being up all night the fish were a lil sluggish in the morning . I made some tackle changes and it made the difference. Ended the day with 14- reds , 12 drum , a trout , and a flounder in the box to take back to Tenn. Mr Charles , Mr Chuck ,Jr and Mr Scott loved to fish and do some competitive joking around . Thanks guys for the fun day on the water . The weather was nice a lil breezy but it kept the temps comfortable. I’m back on the water Friday . Book your trip today and “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME” with Capt Jason Shilling and New Orleans Style Fishing Charters
I fished Friday with Mr. Alan ,his son Mark and his dad Mr. Sonny from New Orleans some local guys. The Bite was a lil slow but in the end we had 19 a mixed bag of fish . That evening I fished Mr Chad and his wife Mrs. Wendy from Indiana . The evening bite was a little better with 18 fish but bigger fish . Saturday I fished with Mr. Dan Mr Craig and Mr Dusty from Mississippi after moving around a lil we caught 12 reds a nice trout and a good bass . Three of the reds were over 27″ . It was a good weekend with lots of fun and action Thanks Guys. The weather is getting a lil warm but the wind has kept it comfortable. Ill be back on the water tomorrow and should have a report up in the next few days .
Well the fishing has been good and the wind is up and down. We have been fighting the wind for the last 3 weeks but have been catching some good fish . reds and drum mostly with some trout when the water isn’t muddy. I have been fishing mostly with market shrimp due to the wind and water color but they have been producing some good numbers in fish . On average we have been coming back with 15-20 fish mostly reds . I wanna thank Mr . Aurthur his wife Nan and son Adler from New Orleans 4/25. Al , Rob , Leif , and Brett from Alberta, Canada 4-26. Mr & Mrs Crosby and son Mark from Arizona 4/29. Maxis, Eddie, Louis , Rick , and Morse from Atlanta, GGeorgia 5/2 . and Mr. Don , Mr. Dave, and Mr. Sam from Michigan 5/3. As usual it has been a fun week of fishing with lots of action . The month of May is looking good for fishing I have been booking some trips and the book is filling up . I still have some days available so give me a call or email and book your fishing trip today.
April has been a windy month down here in Lafitte ,La , but we are catching red fish and some trout ,where we find the cleaner water. The red fish have been biting pretty good here the last week . The reds have been a variety of sizes from 14″-32″ and the trout have been 14″-18″ on average. I wanna thank everybody I have fished in the last week its been a really fun week. Mr. Bob ,his son Alex and daughter Gabby from Baton Rough ,La 4/16. Mr Graham from Wissconson 4/18, Mr. Howard and Mrs. Cathy from Pennsylvania 4/20 , Mr Wayne ,Mrs. Nancy, and their daughter Ashley from Georgia 4/22 Mr. Ben and his wife Mrs Katy from Alabama 4/23-24 . It was my pleasure to meet and fish with y’all. I’m back on the
water tuesday.
Today we had an epic battle between the bull reds and Mr. Gary , Mr. Chris ,Mr. Dan ,and Mr. Mike It was a tough one to call but I think the guys had the upper hand after landing 40 bull reds and 8 drum . The fish wereon fire. I don’t know how many double and triple hook ups we had but it was plenty and it kept me on my toes all day . As the day progressed and the tide strenghtened the fights got harder and longer . This was their first time ever fishing South Louisiana and I thing I might of spoiled em . They will be fishing with me for the next 2days . Looks like the weather may hold us back a lil while tomorrow but once it passes we’re gonna go fish the inland marshes and bayous for reds .
Another day on the water fighting the bull reds . I had Mr. Steve and Mr. Mark in from Utah who have never caught a red fish before , so I brought them out to the pass and see if we could get on some of the big bull reds and drum. Not long after the half a crab hit the bottom the reds were biting . The weather was fair then we had a lil north wind blow in and slowed the fish up and made it choppy . We moved around a lil and found a few drum and a couple more reds. They caught 12 reds ,4 drum and a good time. The reds are around 20-30# and the drum 12-25# the biggest fish either of them has ever caught. Glad yall had a good time guys and thanks for the good day of fishing.
Today was a really good fishing trip .Not because the fish bit any different from the last few days ,but cause I had some friends in town that I haven’t seen in a few years . Trey and Marty flew in from Texas to spend the weekend with friends and family. Their dad EJ and brother in law George came fishing with us as well. With the weather as nice as it was ,the fish biting like the local mosquitoes at dark ,and fishing with friends the day couldn’t have gone any better . We caught 20 BIG BULL REDS and just a couple of drum . Fishing with cracked crabs on bottom in the Grand Isle pass . After a good day of fishing and catching up on thing we headed back to Mr. Ej’s place where we had Bar-b-Que and some more laughs . It was nice to have old friend in town and enjoying the day on the water together . I have a few days off this week but will be back on the water come friday and I’ will let ya know how we make out . If you want to enjoy a day on the water fishing give me a call and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Some locals from New Orleans decided that they wanted to come and catch some fish and that they did . I had Mr.Dale ,Mr. Dave , Mr. Mel , and Mr. Sam fishing today . These guys have been friend for a long time and they weren’t giving each other any slack . We laughed as hard as the red fish were fighting . All in fun .The day went by fast with all the laughing and fish biting all day. I always give the customers the option to go fish the big fish in the pass or the smaller ones in the inside and 9x out of 10 they want to catch big fish . The big bull reds and bull drum have been pretty thick . In the inland waters the fish have been biting pretty good as well with red fish ,drum, flounder and speckle trout. The weather has been really nice I wish it would stay this way year round. I have been booking trip every week so don’t miss out book your trip today and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME