We are still not effected by the high river in our fishing or living. NO FLOODING going on here. I have been fishing a few times this week . Seems like the wind still wont give us a break but we have been putting a mess of fish in the box. Red fish, drum and flounder..I fished Mr. Ray , Mr.Larry and Mr. Pushpaw who were in for a conventin 5/18/2011 . Lauren, Kristy , Chris , and Bryan from FL 5/20/2011 what a fun trip that was . Thanks guys . Cathy , Pealard , and Mr.Mac fished with me 5/22/2011 their some locals who like to fish and have a good time and that we did . On each trip the average has been 12-20 reds and 5-10 drum with your occasional flounder or two.Thanks guys for the fun days of fishing . Fishing has been good, weather has been tolerable . Its May and the fishing just gets better from here . The new is still covering the Mississippi River flooding and I just want to make it clear we are not effected buy the river here in south louisiana. so COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Well the fishing has been good and the wind is up and down. We have been fighting the wind for the last 3 weeks but have been catching some good fish . reds and drum mostly with some trout when the water isn’t muddy. I have been fishing mostly with market shrimp due to the wind and water color but they have been producing some good numbers in fish . On average we have been coming back with 15-20 fish mostly reds . I wanna thank Mr . Aurthur his wife Nan and son Adler from New Orleans 4/25. Al , Rob , Leif , and Brett from Alberta, Canada 4-26. Mr & Mrs Crosby and son Mark from Arizona 4/29. Maxis, Eddie, Louis , Rick , and Morse from Atlanta, GGeorgia 5/2 . and Mr. Don , Mr. Dave, and Mr. Sam from Michigan 5/3. As usual it has been a fun week of fishing with lots of action . The month of May is looking good for fishing I have been booking some trips and the book is filling up . I still have some days available so give me a call or email and book your fishing trip today.
Every year My good friends from Arkansas come in and fish and go to the annual crawfish cook off. Its always a good time no matter what happens . Mr Johnny had his son Steve and his 2 friends Mack and Ott with em. They wanted to go to the pass and try the bull reds out . It wasn’t 10 min after we got the lines in the water big red on . After that an hour and no bite or tide . So we hit the marsh and got on to some 29 ” reds like they come out a mold all the same size.. State law only allows us to keep 1 red over 27″per man but they are fun to catch .They ended up with 9 reds 4 drum and a trout . Now it was time to go eat some crawfish .As always with these guys it was a fun day of fishing and catching up. Thanks guys. The reds are moving in and the trout are showing up a lil more . book a trip and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Today was a good day of fishing . I headed out with light winds and the temps in the 60’s . When I reached the bay the birds were diving and the trout were under em. I had Mr. Brad and his son Tyler from Tennessee fishing with me today. Who were some good guys and good fisherman. After chasing the birds till 9 am we had 77 trout and went look for some reds . At first we caught a few nice drum and some small reds but later found some good reds in the 16-24″ range we caught 17 reds . All the fish were released to be caught another day. I had a great time guys Thanks for the fun day of fishing and I hope to see
y’all again soon.
Today we had to wait back for the weather to pass that was in front of a cold front. Around 11:30 we were able to head out and see how we could do. With the wind picking up and the temps dropping we knew it was gonna be a rough day.,but Mr Dan, Mr Mike, Mr. Chris , and Mr Gary were all ready to give it a shot. We hit quite a few spots with lil luck in most but ended the day with a mixed bag of 10 fish .(red fish ,drum ,sheep head ,flounders and catfish) the only thing we didn’t catch was a speckle trout. We did catch a few fish that were just under the size limit so that’s a good sign for the months to come. Its a lil hard to find fish in those conditions and if you haven’t had a fair day of fishing you just haven’t fished enough . The fishing was slow but we had a good time.Thanks guys for the fun couple of days . I have been fishing mostly new customer and have been enjoying meeting everybody I look forward to seeing y’all again . April I have quite a few people booked who I have fished before and I’m looking forward to fishing with them again. Thanks to all who COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME.
Today we had an epic battle between the bull reds and Mr. Gary , Mr. Chris ,Mr. Dan ,and Mr. Mike It was a tough one to call but I think the guys had the upper hand after landing 40 bull reds and 8 drum . The fish wereon fire. I don’t know how many double and triple hook ups we had but it was plenty and it kept me on my toes all day . As the day progressed and the tide strenghtened the fights got harder and longer . This was their first time ever fishing South Louisiana and I thing I might of spoiled em . They will be fishing with me for the next 2days . Looks like the weather may hold us back a lil while tomorrow but once it passes we’re gonna go fish the inland marshes and bayous for reds .
Another day on the water fighting the bull reds . I had Mr. Steve and Mr. Mark in from Utah who have never caught a red fish before , so I brought them out to the pass and see if we could get on some of the big bull reds and drum. Not long after the half a crab hit the bottom the reds were biting . The weather was fair then we had a lil north wind blow in and slowed the fish up and made it choppy . We moved around a lil and found a few drum and a couple more reds. They caught 12 reds ,4 drum and a good time. The reds are around 20-30# and the drum 12-25# the biggest fish either of them has ever caught. Glad yall had a good time guys and thanks for the good day of fishing.
Today was a really good fishing trip .Not because the fish bit any different from the last few days ,but cause I had some friends in town that I haven’t seen in a few years . Trey and Marty flew in from Texas to spend the weekend with friends and family. Their dad EJ and brother in law George came fishing with us as well. With the weather as nice as it was ,the fish biting like the local mosquitoes at dark ,and fishing with friends the day couldn’t have gone any better . We caught 20 BIG BULL REDS and just a couple of drum . Fishing with cracked crabs on bottom in the Grand Isle pass . After a good day of fishing and catching up on thing we headed back to Mr. Ej’s place where we had Bar-b-Que and some more laughs . It was nice to have old friend in town and enjoying the day on the water together . I have a few days off this week but will be back on the water come friday and I’ will let ya know how we make out . If you want to enjoy a day on the water fishing give me a call and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Today I had the pleasure of fishing Mr. Mike Parker from Oklahoma. He had never caught a red fish before so i took him out to the pass and we hammered the big bull reds the whole trip. The weather has been excellent and the big fish have been cooperating. We caught around 14 big reds and 7 big drum fish . Its nice to hear the drag screaming off the reel and seeing the smiles on faces.. I’m fishing the next few days and will be posting reports on how we make out. Thanks Mr. Mike for the fun day of fishing .