Well the fishing has been good and the wind is up and down. We have been fighting the wind for the last 3 weeks but have been catching some good fish . reds and drum mostly with some trout when the water isn’t muddy. I have been fishing mostly with market shrimp due to the wind and water color but they have been producing some good numbers in fish . On average we have been coming back with 15-20 fish mostly reds . I wanna thank Mr . Aurthur his wife Nan and son Adler from New Orleans 4/25. Al , Rob , Leif , and Brett from Alberta, Canada 4-26. Mr & Mrs Crosby and son Mark from Arizona 4/29. Maxis, Eddie, Louis , Rick , and Morse from Atlanta, GGeorgia 5/2 . and Mr. Don , Mr. Dave, and Mr. Sam from Michigan 5/3. As usual it has been a fun week of fishing with lots of action . The month of May is looking good for fishing I have been booking some trips and the book is filling up . I still have some days available so give me a call or email and book your fishing trip today.
April has been a windy month down here in Lafitte ,La , but we are catching red fish and some trout ,where we find the cleaner water. The red fish have been biting pretty good here the last week . The reds have been a variety of sizes from 14″-32″ and the trout have been 14″-18″ on average. I wanna thank everybody I have fished in the last week its been a really fun week. Mr. Bob ,his son Alex and daughter Gabby from Baton Rough ,La 4/16. Mr Graham from Wissconson 4/18, Mr. Howard and Mrs. Cathy from Pennsylvania 4/20 , Mr Wayne ,Mrs. Nancy, and their daughter Ashley from Georgia 4/22 Mr. Ben and his wife Mrs Katy from Alabama 4/23-24 . It was my pleasure to meet and fish with y’all. I’m back on the
water tuesday.
OK I have been a little busy here and haven’t been able to keep up with my reports so I’m gonna give ya a run down of whats been going on.Ive been fishing a bunch with new and repeate customers. The fishing has been good weather permitting . The wind mostly seems like the wind just don’t wanna stop ,but we have been still able to catch some nice specks and reds . I wanna thank Mrs Nikki, Mr, Ted ,and Mr Jeff for the fun day of fishing on 4/3/11. Mr Nick ,Mrs. Dee, and Mr Steve on 4/7/11. Ean , Lowe, and Brett on 4/8/11. Mrs. Star, Mrs Angie ,Mr. Trent , and Mr. Tray from Slidell on 4/9/11 and KC, Josh, JT ,and Dough on 4/10/11. Sorry this report isn’t in detail like I usually do . The trout have been in the 16-20″ range and the reds have been 16-27″range we have been fishing in the bays , lakes and canals . I haven’t been able to get out to the pass for the big bull reds lately due to the wind but I am looking forward to getting back out there and hearing the drag scream . COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME with NEW ORLEANS STYLE FISHING CHARTERS
Every year My good friends from Arkansas come in and fish and go to the annual crawfish cook off. Its always a good time no matter what happens . Mr Johnny had his son Steve and his 2 friends Mack and Ott with em. They wanted to go to the pass and try the bull reds out . It wasn’t 10 min after we got the lines in the water big red on . After that an hour and no bite or tide . So we hit the marsh and got on to some 29 ” reds like they come out a mold all the same size.. State law only allows us to keep 1 red over 27″per man but they are fun to catch .They ended up with 9 reds 4 drum and a trout . Now it was time to go eat some crawfish .As always with these guys it was a fun day of fishing and catching up. Thanks guys. The reds are moving in and the trout are showing up a lil more . book a trip and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Today was a good day of fishing . I headed out with light winds and the temps in the 60’s . When I reached the bay the birds were diving and the trout were under em. I had Mr. Brad and his son Tyler from Tennessee fishing with me today. Who were some good guys and good fisherman. After chasing the birds till 9 am we had 77 trout and went look for some reds . At first we caught a few nice drum and some small reds but later found some good reds in the 16-24″ range we caught 17 reds . All the fish were released to be caught another day. I had a great time guys Thanks for the fun day of fishing and I hope to see
y’all again soon.
Today we had to wait back for the weather to pass that was in front of a cold front. Around 11:30 we were able to head out and see how we could do. With the wind picking up and the temps dropping we knew it was gonna be a rough day.,but Mr Dan, Mr Mike, Mr. Chris , and Mr Gary were all ready to give it a shot. We hit quite a few spots with lil luck in most but ended the day with a mixed bag of 10 fish .(red fish ,drum ,sheep head ,flounders and catfish) the only thing we didn’t catch was a speckle trout. We did catch a few fish that were just under the size limit so that’s a good sign for the months to come. Its a lil hard to find fish in those conditions and if you haven’t had a fair day of fishing you just haven’t fished enough . The fishing was slow but we had a good time.Thanks guys for the fun couple of days . I have been fishing mostly new customer and have been enjoying meeting everybody I look forward to seeing y’all again . April I have quite a few people booked who I have fished before and I’m looking forward to fishing with them again. Thanks to all who COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME.