Well it has been a while since I’ve written a report but I going to try to keep on it from trip to trip. AS OF NOW WE ARE NOT AFFECTED BY THE CURRENT OIL SPILL IN THE GULF OF MEXICO. I’ve been fishing a good bit since my last report April 10 when I had my good friends in from Arkansas, since then I have fished April 17, 19, 21 and 22nd in deep water for the big bull reds and drum. Its always a good time reeling up those big fish but they have moved in and so did we.  I started fishing in the inside water, lakes, bays and bayous on April 25th and 29th and on May 1, 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17 and we have been doing really well on the inside—some days better than others—but all in all, the fishing has been good. We have been catching mostly red fish and drums, with a speck here and there. The winds during the last month haven’t let us get out and look for the specks. I’ve been fishing with gold spoons and spinner baits when the water is clear and fishing with market shrimp when needed. It has been a fun month and I have had some really good customers and we have had a lot of fun fishing together. To recap on the bold type above: We are not affected by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The media hasn’t really clarified what areas are affected and just state that south Louisiana’s coast has been covered in oil. The oil slick has stayed about 3 miles off the coast of Grand Isle and our fishing grounds are at least 30 miles north of Grand Isle. None of our waters have seen any kind of oil. I will be going back on the water on Friday May 21st and will try to have a report up that day.

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