April has been a windy month down here in Lafitte ,La , but we are catching red fish and some trout ,where we find the cleaner water. The red fish have been biting pretty good here the last week . The reds have been a variety of sizes from 14″-32″ and the trout have been 14″-18″ on average. I wanna thank everybody I have fished in the last week its been a really fun week. Mr. Bob ,his son Alex and daughter Gabby from Baton Rough ,La 4/16. Mr Graham from Wissconson 4/18, Mr. Howard and Mrs. Cathy from Pennsylvania 4/20 , Mr Wayne ,Mrs. Nancy, and their daughter Ashley from Georgia 4/22 Mr. Ben and his wife Mrs Katy from Alabama 4/23-24 . It was my pleasure to meet and fish with y’all. I’m back on the
water tuesday.
OK I have been a little busy here and haven’t been able to keep up with my reports so I’m gonna give ya a run down of whats been going on.Ive been fishing a bunch with new and repeate customers. The fishing has been good weather permitting . The wind mostly seems like the wind just don’t wanna stop ,but we have been still able to catch some nice specks and reds . I wanna thank Mrs Nikki, Mr, Ted ,and Mr Jeff for the fun day of fishing on 4/3/11. Mr Nick ,Mrs. Dee, and Mr Steve on 4/7/11. Ean , Lowe, and Brett on 4/8/11. Mrs. Star, Mrs Angie ,Mr. Trent , and Mr. Tray from Slidell on 4/9/11 and KC, Josh, JT ,and Dough on 4/10/11. Sorry this report isn’t in detail like I usually do . The trout have been in the 16-20″ range and the reds have been 16-27″range we have been fishing in the bays , lakes and canals . I haven’t been able to get out to the pass for the big bull reds lately due to the wind but I am looking forward to getting back out there and hearing the drag scream . COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME with NEW ORLEANS STYLE FISHING CHARTERS
Today we had to wait back for the weather to pass that was in front of a cold front. Around 11:30 we were able to head out and see how we could do. With the wind picking up and the temps dropping we knew it was gonna be a rough day.,but Mr Dan, Mr Mike, Mr. Chris , and Mr Gary were all ready to give it a shot. We hit quite a few spots with lil luck in most but ended the day with a mixed bag of 10 fish .(red fish ,drum ,sheep head ,flounders and catfish) the only thing we didn’t catch was a speckle trout. We did catch a few fish that were just under the size limit so that’s a good sign for the months to come. Its a lil hard to find fish in those conditions and if you haven’t had a fair day of fishing you just haven’t fished enough . The fishing was slow but we had a good time.Thanks guys for the fun couple of days . I have been fishing mostly new customer and have been enjoying meeting everybody I look forward to seeing y’all again . April I have quite a few people booked who I have fished before and I’m looking forward to fishing with them again. Thanks to all who COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME.
Today we had an epic battle between the bull reds and Mr. Gary , Mr. Chris ,Mr. Dan ,and Mr. Mike It was a tough one to call but I think the guys had the upper hand after landing 40 bull reds and 8 drum . The fish wereon fire. I don’t know how many double and triple hook ups we had but it was plenty and it kept me on my toes all day . As the day progressed and the tide strenghtened the fights got harder and longer . This was their first time ever fishing South Louisiana and I thing I might of spoiled em . They will be fishing with me for the next 2days . Looks like the weather may hold us back a lil while tomorrow but once it passes we’re gonna go fish the inland marshes and bayous for reds .
Some locals from New Orleans decided that they wanted to come and catch some fish and that they did . I had Mr.Dale ,Mr. Dave , Mr. Mel , and Mr. Sam fishing today . These guys have been friend for a long time and they weren’t giving each other any slack . We laughed as hard as the red fish were fighting . All in fun .The day went by fast with all the laughing and fish biting all day. I always give the customers the option to go fish the big fish in the pass or the smaller ones in the inside and 9x out of 10 they want to catch big fish . The big bull reds and bull drum have been pretty thick . In the inland waters the fish have been biting pretty good as well with red fish ,drum, flounder and speckle trout. The weather has been really nice I wish it would stay this way year round. I have been booking trip every week so don’t miss out book your trip today and COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME
Today I fished Mr. Steve Gruber , his son Chase ,and his friend Alex from Minnisota .The morning started off slow and cold with a cold front blowing 20 mph ,not the ideal conditions for fishing . After searching around a little we got on some fish and put 11 nice reds in the box and a flounder . We caught quite a few red fish that were just short of the slot limit to keep. That’s a good sign for the months to come . Despite the weather conditions everybody had a good time . Thanks for the fun day of fishing guys. Fishing in Lafitte is getting better every day so book your trip today and get in on some of the action .